Hair Restoration Consultation What to Expect
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Your Hair Restoration Consultation: What to Expect

Hair Transplant and Restoration Center offers you several options for hair restoration, and the best way to determine the right treatment for you is to schedule a hair restoration consultation with us. During your consultation, Dr. Gray will find the perfect solution for your unique hair loss situation. Some of the treatments we offer include:

During Your Hair Restoration Consultation

In addition to an exam and discussing your medical and family history pertaining to hair loss, other procedures may be required:

  1. Dermoscopy: This is a non-invasive examination of your skin. Dr. Gray will use a dermatoscope to magnify your hair follicles for close observation.
  2. Scalp Biopsy: A scalp biopsy is not necessary in every case. But if the cause of your hair loss is unclear, Dr. Gray will schedule an appointment to remove a very small amount skin tissue on your scalp. He will use this sample to determine if you have one of the Cicatricheal alopecias or alopecia areata that could result in hair loss.
  3. Blood Work: If further tests are necessary, you will be sent to a local lab for a blood test.
  4. Photographs: Photographs of your hair will be taken at most of your visits with Dr. Gray to document and track your progress.
    It is important to bring a complete list of medication you take (prescription and over the counter) to your consultation.

Schedule Your Consultation

To schedule your hair restoration consultation, please call us at 478-787-0435 or fill out the contact form below. If you would like, you can fill out your patient forms ahead of time and bring them with you to your consultation: