The Do's and Don’ts of Healthy Hair Habits
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The Do's and Don’ts of Healthy Hair Habits

Everyone loves how their hair feels after a trip to the salon. You know, that feeling where you can’t stop running your fingers through your freshly cut and styled silky locks? Here are some healthy hair tips that will make your hair feel like that every day.

DO Get A Fair Share Of Natural Sun For Healthy Hair

Vitamin D stimulates the growth of hair by activating the cells within you scalp and hair shaft. It also counteracts zinc deficiency which leads to a flaky scalp and thin hair. Some ways to get more vitamin D include mushrooms, different grains, salmon, and of course, the natural sun.

DON’T Expose Your Healthy Hair To Large Amounts Of Heat

We have all heard this lecture from our hair dressers and barbers countless numbers of times. But in truth, heavy exposure to hair dryers, heated styling products, and even hot water in showers can lead to damage and thinning of the hair. So next time you’re enjoying a long hot shower consider turning it down to a cooler temperature when you are rinsing your hair.

DO Take Your Vitamins For Healthy Hair

Vitamin E is responsible for healthy blood flow by expanding the capillaries. This makes for a very healthy scalp which is the root (no pun intended) for silky, thick, strong, and healthy hair. Many haircare products include vitamin E to leave hair looking shiny and smooth. Vitamin A produces the oil that keeps your scalp moisturized which protects you from itchy dandruff.

Collagen stimulation occurs when a person has a healthy intake of vitamin C. This results in longer and stronger hair follicles. Biotin (or vitamin H) has always been known as the “hair vitamin.” It has shown great results in fighting hair loss and strengthening healthy hair. Vitamin E is found in many foods such as almonds, kiwi, papaya, sunflower seeds, kale, and spinach.

Vitamin A is found in two different groups. The first group are the retinoids, which are found in kidney beans, liver, and eggs. The second group are the carotenoids, which are found in fruits and vegetables like spinach, sweet carrots, and mangoes. If you are trying to boost your vitamin C intake, it is recommended to reach for citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli, and peppers. Biotin is found in many beauty products as well as avocados, eggs, nuts, and legumes.

DON’T Overdo Vitamins E And A

It’s hard to believe that vitamins can sometimes do harm to the body! Luckily, this only occurs when there is an extreme overuse of vitamins E and A. Vitamin E is a blood thinner so an overdose of it can result in bleeding problems and having difficulty carrying oxygen through the body which makes it harder for the hair follicles to form. The overuse of vitamin A can stop hair growth and even cause existing hair to fall out because it can be toxic to the hair follicles.

Healthy Hair Foods

DO Eat All Of The Right Foods

A healthy diet is important for many reasons and hair growth and development is one of them! Salmon and tuna contain omega-3 fats which help build keratin and result in strong, healthy hair. Yellow peppers contain even more vitamin C than oranges… their high levels of antioxidants are proven to strengthen hair. Oysters contain zinc which promotes a healthy scalp and keeps dandruff from occurring. Avocados, sunflower seeds, egg yolks, and sweet potatoes are some more of the top noted foods that lead to a luscious full head of healthy hair.

DON’T Have A Diet That Is Predominately Composed Of Junk Food

While we are told often how important it is to eat healthily for our skin, weight, and everyday body functions, it is also very necessary for strong hair. Hair is primarily composed of keratin which is a protein. Without proper protein intake, this keratin cannot be formed and therefore develop thick healthy hair. Foods containing lots of fatty acids and omega-3 fats are the best options for keratin development, which as we mentioned before are found in some fish. However, avoid over eating tuna and swordfish because they contain high amounts of mercury which lead to hair falling out. Keep in mind that oysters from the Gulf of Mexico have also been said to damage hair due to their higher levels of cadmium from the 2010 BP oil spill. And finally, when working towards a healthier head of hair, focus on the egg yolks primarily and move away from the egg whites which have been said to block biotin absorption.

DO Learn About Non-Surgical Treatments At HT&RC For Thinning Hair

Here at HT&RC we are the experts at leading you to a happier life with a full head of healthy, strong, and thick hair. Our goal is to offer personalized treatment options for people struggling with hair loss. We strive to stay on the cutting edge of technology and procedures, and seek to offer solutions that have proven effectiveness.

Contact us to schedule a consultation today!