Exciting Results From Capillus272 Laser Cap Therapy
04 / 28 / 15

Exciting Results From Capillus272 Laser Cap Therapy

Many people are under the impression that the only treatments available for hair loss are hair transplant surgery and hair loss medications such as Rogaine. At the Hair Transplant & Restoration Center, we are excited to share with you another option for thinning hair and advanced hair loss.

Many people are under the impression that the only treatments available for hair loss are hair transplant surgery and hair loss medications such as Rogaine. At the Hair Transplant & Restoration Center, we are excited to share with you another option for thinning hair and advanced hair loss.

The Capillus272 Laser Cap is a form of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment using infrared light to stimulate wound healing, mitochondrial DNA, and cytokine secretion. What that means for your hair is simply that the Capillus272 Laser Cap works to make your hair follicles healthy again so that they can begin to grow new, stronger hair.

Your treatment plan using the Capillus272 Laser Cap will vary based on Dr. Gray’s recommendations, but typically we encourage patients to wear the cap for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week. Laser therapy can be used in conjunction with other hair restoration treatments including topical solutions, medication, and hair transplant surgery. In fact, it often enhances the effects of hair transplant surgeries by stimulating healing in the cells of the scalp.

The Capillus272 Laser Cap can be inserted into your favorite hat, is powered by a rechargeable battery pack, and can be worn while doing other activities like walking, driving, watching TV, etc.

Capillus272 Laser Cap Before & Afters

Many men and women struggling with hair loss have experienced exciting results with Low Level Laser Therapy. 

Dr. Gray is a licensed hair loss physician and is a certified provider of Capillus Laser Cap products. Contact the Hair Restoration & Transplant Center today to schedule a hair loss consultation.